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Biopolinex Sp. z o. o. is a company whose activities are related to energy efficiency, rational use of energy in accordance with the principles of sustainable development, and investments in renewable energy sources



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Firma Biopolinex zarejestrowana jest w Krajowym Rejestrze Sądowym pod numerem 0000345851;

REGON: 060566982; NIP: 9462595328; kapitał zakładowy: 100 000,00 PLN opłacony w całości.



The company's energy audit provides a detailed overview of energy consumption:

– in buildings or building complexes,

– in industrial installations,

– in transport.


The company's energy audit is carried out in accordance with the Energy Efficiency Act of May 20, 2016, which imposes an obligation to perform a periodic energy audit in large enterprises operating in Poland. This obligation results from the provisions of Directive 2012/27 / EU of the European Parliament and of the Council. Failure to comply with this obligation may result in a penalty of up to 5% of annual turnover.


The company's energy audit will be based on the PN-EN 16247 standard.


The company's energy audit covers at least 90% of the total energy consumption of the audited company. The effect of the audit work is the description of the actual state of the audited plant together with an analysis of energy efficiency. As part of the study, an analysis of the energy consumption structure and an assessment of energy management will be carried out, together with an indication of areas in which energy efficiency can be increased. The report is based on current, representative, measured and identifiable data on energy consumption. By conducting an energy audit, the company will receive information on the energy saving options. Audit results are used for analysis and control. The report on the performed energy audit is subject to the control of the President of the Energy Regulatory Office.


Big companies in accordance with the Act on freedom of economic activity, it is an entity conducting economic activity which in the last two financial years (counting separately for each year) exceeded in any of them:

  • employing 250 or more people,

  • balance sheet total equal to or greater than € 43 million,

  • an annual turnover equal to or greater than € 50 million.

About us

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