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Biopolinex Sp. z o. o. is a company whose activities are related to energy efficiency, rational use of energy in accordance with the principles of sustainable development, and investments in renewable energy sources



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Appreciated abroad..

27 May 2019

A brochure was published in May this year “Non-power nuclear technologies and applications” (Zero-energetyczne technologie jądrowe i ich zastosowania), signed by the Romanian Presidency of the Council of the European Union.

The brochure is a collection of inspirational examples of good practice and ideas from different Member States throughout the European Union and directly from the European Commission - Joint Research Center. It is the input of Member State delegations, supporting discussion on nuclear technologies and non-energy applications.


In the brochure just issued, as the most promising, advanced, native Polish technologies for the elimination of environmental pollution, two projects are described: 


The first is the electron beam reduction project, co-implemented among others by CERN, the Institute of Nuclear Chemistry and Technology and Biopolinex.

The technology that is the subject of the project allows both a significant reduction of pollution (SOx and NOx), and is an excellent basis for the production of good quality fertilizers, which are a by-product of the purification process.


The second project, "Hybrid electron acceleration system for cleaning diesel exhaust gases", implemented, among others in cooperation with the Polytechnic in Riga, ICHTJ, the Fraunhofer Institute in Germany, CERN in Switzerland and Biopolinex, this is a great opportunity to solve the biggest problem of the maritime industry related to emissions of ships' engines.

The technology is currently at the fourth level of readiness, which means that after optimization in the laboratory phase, it will soon go to the medium development phase.

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