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       81 747 67 11



Biopolinex Sp. z o. o. is a company whose activities are related to energy efficiency, rational use of energy in accordance with the principles of sustainable development, and investments in renewable energy sources



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Firma Biopolinex zarejestrowana jest w Krajowym Rejestrze Sądowym pod numerem 0000345851;

REGON: 060566982; NIP: 9462595328; kapitał zakładowy: 100 000,00 PLN opłacony w całości.



The first step after deciding to build a biogas plant is the tedious process of collecting all necessary documents. The next stage is the realization of the investment, its launch and transfer to the investor. The whole process requires the involvement of specialists from various fields. Our company has such potential. We are ready to carry out the entire investment procedure quickly and efficiently.
As part of this activity, we offer:

1. Initial analysis of investment profitability. Fill out the form with basic information, or send us a message using the

form at the end of the page.


2. Collecting full data and necessary information about the investment.

3. Development of preliminary technical and economic assumptions.

4. Preparation of the necessary documentation for the implemented investment:

     - project outline

     - developing a business plan together with economic analysis

- finding investment financing sources, developing appropriate financing agreements or bank loans, and coordinating these activities

- preparing an information card

- obtaining building conditions

- obtaining an environmental decision, preparing a report on the environmental impact of the project (if required)

- preparation of the construction design together with all required opinions, arrangements, permits and other documents

- preparing the cost estimate

- obtaining a building permit

- agreement and conclusion of contracts with technology suppliers

- agreement and conclusion of contracts with contractors and subcontractors

- agreement and conclusion of contracts for the sale of electricity, heat and gas


5. Realization of the investment:

- construction notification

- providing construction supervision

- monitoring of subcontractors carrying out orders

- ongoing control of the costs of the investment

6. Conducting technical acceptances.

7. Installation start-up.

8. Transfer of investment to the investor.

About us

  1. pl
  2. en